Volunteer at Eve’s
Posted On Nov 21 2018Volunteer at Eve’s Eve’s Place is always in need of volunteers. Some of the jobs that we need help with are: support group facilitators cashier’s at thrift stores sorting donations at store locations assisting at fundraiser events Training, is of course, provided for all volunteers. Please note that all volunteers must undergo a background check and in order to do so, must be fingerprinted. In addition, they must sign a confidentiality agreement in regards to victim information, undisclosed locations of shelter program(s). If you are interested in volunteering or have a special skill that you believe we can benefit from, …

Employment Oppurtunities
Posted On Nov 21 2018Employment Oppurtunities Part time 3rd Shift Advocate – Responsible for working with victims of domestic violence in setting goals, reaching goals. Able to assist with safety planning, transportation, and group activities. Must be able to work nights, holidays and weekends. Must be able to lift 25 pounds. Up to 30 hours per week. Must be 21 years of age, have high school diploma, at least 1 year of social service experience is preferable, be able to pass fingerprint clearance, have a clean driving record and a valid Arizona driver’s license. Part time Male Advocate – Responsible for working with male …

Safety Web
Posted On Nov 21 2018Safety on the Web WARNING Taking all of the actions on this page may not prevent an abuser from discovering your email and Internet activity. The safest way to find information on the Internet is to go to a safer computer. Some suggestions would be your local library, a friend’s house or your workplace. Other safety suggestions: Change your password often, do not pick obvious words or numbers for your password, and make sure to include a combination of letters and numbers for your password. PLEASE NOTE: Some of the below “How To’s” have links that will take you directly …

Safety Tips
Posted On Nov 21 2018Safety Tips What do I do if I am being threatened or attacked? Stay away from the kitchen (the abuser can find weapons). Keep an emergency fund of cash or access to an ATM that he abuser does not know about. Stay away from any small spaces (like bathrooms, closets, attics, etc.) where the abuser can trap you. Get to a room with a door or window to escape. Get to a room with a phone to call for help; lock the abuser outside if you can. Call 911 (or your local emergency number) right away for help; get the …

Safety Planning
Posted On Nov 21 2018Safety Planning If you are still in the relationship: Think of a safe place to go if an argument occurs – avoid rooms with no exits (bathroom), or rooms with weapons (kitchen). Think about and make a list of safe people to contact. Keep change with you at all times. Memorize all important numbers. Establish a “code word” or “sign” so that family, friends, teachers or co-workers know when to call for help. Think about what you will say to your partner if he\she becomes violent. Remember: You have the right to live without fear and violence. If you have …

Management Team
Posted On Nov 21 2018Management Team Laura Horsley – Executive Director Laura has over 11 years of experience working in the domestic violence field. Laura has expertise in program development and operation. She also has expertise in working with diverse cultures of women and children. She has been associated with other organizations working with victims of domestic violence during her career. Some of these groups include the Arizona Governor’s Office, Cochise County Domestic Violence Awareness and Collaboration Team, Cochise County Juvenile Court Stakeholders Committee and recently the Arizona Supreme Court’s Committee on the Impact of Domestic Violence and the Courts. Laura has developed protocols …